
Hunting Adventure



3 Years
04-22-2014, 03:30 PM
(( OK just winging it since am not to sure what am meant to do lol))

The ivory female felt her breath tighten as she continued to pant slightly from the strain this little spat was having on her form, considering the ivory female wasn't in a pack as of current it lead to her body being slightly weaker that what it normally would be considering she couldn't take down larger pray to feed herself and so she had to stick to scavenging however this wasn't always reliable, The crunch of her limp dislocating from the joint, a low whimper vibrated in her vocal cords however it soon turned to a snarl as her dark orbs glare around her form, carrying her injured and some what wounded limb she lowered herself slightly to the domain pandia wasn't much for submissiveness however this seemed like a good time to lay low until the write time and her body was agreeing with her, exhaustion slowly creped over her form, her muscles trembled and twitched due to the tension within them while her vision seemed to blur slightly. it wast before long before the ivory female allowed her weakened form to rest upon the domain while her mind half wondered what was to occur given the situation on things she half cursed herself mentally for not persevering her energy source such a time to fall weak she yelled at herself in her own mind before a soft exhale exited her lungs as if it was a sigh of acceptance of what was to come from this little event in her life.-