
our tiny souls


04-22-2014, 04:33 PM

The pale woman was clearly exhausted, but submission claimed her both as she made herself small before the Queen. Strong words fell from her lips, words that pleased the Queen. At least she knew what she had done, and was now willing to pay the price. After training, this girl would make a fine warrior, already she knew her place, and yet was undaunted by an unbeatable foe. The Queens stepped back, a flick of her tail signaling to everyone else to back down.

"Very well." Coral pools followed the woman as she bowed before the Queen, her own eyes flickering to Uisge. She doubted the man would turn down a second fight with the woman, so the silver woman continued. "Train hard and you will have your wish." Coral gems left the woman, to meet the eyes of her pack before returning to the woman.

The behemoth would turn away, silver limbs carrying her away from the woman, leaving her to the rest of the pack. The Queen had other things to attend to, she was certain that her pack would give the girl a warm welcome. Lips tugged back in a smirk at the thought.

-exit cat-