
Champagne Supernova



04-22-2014, 05:24 PM

Alpine would offer another grin, so easily come to his expressions, so easily given unto her. She had told him that she had deduced his healing lessons from the scent of herbs against his coat, and honestly he was probably getting use to it now and barely even noticed if the scents still clung to his fur. More then that, she had referred to it in similarity to Ernai's den and a giggle had burst her lips. The sound was sop innocent, so free and sudden that his eyes had shot to hers in amazement. There had been a time when he did not know if she would ever smile again, and here she felt so carefree as to giggle at the thought of him smelling like Erani's den. He would chuckle, deep, but soft in return perhaps more at the memory of her laughter then the joke itself.

Then the star had fallen, and he had found himself to his paws, starting to head off, ready to dash in search of a piece of star for this wolf who's friendship he loved. She had met his stride, had stayed beside him and they had set off together with the feel of their fur mingling at their sides. She would ask his opinion on the fallen star, and he would hesitate before speaking. ?I wonder if it still glows It had looked like earth and flame as it fell? he mused, trying to remember exactly what he had seen, but he could have been wrong for it had been sudden and bright against the darkness.

He was surprised at how far it had come, considering it had looked quite close, but eventually they would come upon the stars final resting place and he could see, even as she said it that it had lost its brilliance. There was perhaps a faint reddish sheen across its bulk that still reminded him of fire, and he could feel the warmth emanating off it. As he peered into it however, he could see that his first pondering thoughts had been close. Well it still looked otherworldly it looked also like earth. It was like a boulder, hard but rough to the edges. He was also fairly certain that the massive hole it landed in had not been there before, and surmised that its fall must have done this to the earth. He found himself sitting, curling his tail about her back legs as he continued to look. ?It looks like a slightly glowing otherworldly stone? he mused, half in answer, half in joke. ?It still looks lovely, and shiny through? He found himself peering around the stone, searching for... ?ah ha!? he exclaimed, and would bound forward before carefully crab-walking down the side of the crater. He could most definitely feel the warmth of the star upon his coat from here, but in moments he was upon his target. A small piece that had fallen away and sat lightly in the earth stood before him. He stopped for a moment, and well this might seem strange he began to dig away at the earth. Once there was a small pile he kicked it over to the meteor piece, and began to stack and push it against the stone until it was moulded around it. He would then pick this up gently in his maw, and well it still felt warm beneath the moulded earth it did not burn his muzzle at the touch. He would bound quickly back up the creator and drop the packed earth at her feet. ?We can clean it at wolfpaw lake? he said, grinning at her practically from ear-to-ear.
