
queen of the snowfall


04-22-2014, 05:29 PM

White lips, pale face

The man seemed confused by her, but was quick to recover. A small smile would creep onto her rosy lips as he fumbled for speech. "How good the day is depends on who you are, I think." She would sigh, cherry toned optics flicking away from the features of the stranger as she was swept up again. Dropping her haunches unceremoniously to the stone floor of the cavern, a powerful huff would shudder through her flanks. He would inquire after her business here, and the pallid giantess would give a small shrug of her none too petite shoulders. "I decided to find a bit of peace, my mate left me recently." She murmured, her vocals only to be described as wintry. Long, silken banner would fall to the floor beside her haunch, trailing out beside her like the stroke of a painter's brush.

Immense paws rested calmly on the ground as she regarded her conversation partner curiously. "And what about you, how come you're in the caves?" She would ask with a quirked brow, crown tilting slightly to one side as her crimson pools fixed on the stranger's ivory features. He was curious, his pale violet eyes holding a little sorrow. His markings were interesting, almost like those of a Siamese cat. Overall, nothing about him seemed suspicious, but her guard remained up. Slight tension was born by her lean chords of muscle, guarded orbs of pure garnet would remain fixed upon his features. Nothing in particular seemed off, but always better safe than sorry, as it seemed to be around here.

OOC: I'm sorry this post is both late and really crappy, low muse for Skadi. Actually, setting her inactive soon...


Breathing in the snowflakes.