
Soothing waters, soothing company



11 Years
04-22-2014, 05:51 PM (This post was last modified: 04-28-2014, 08:41 AM by Bane.)
The flesh and scales easily gave way to his fangs, bloody meat from Tahlia's presented salmon gratefully appreciated to the father wolf. A different taste after all the lemming and rabbit he'd dug up in their holes and brought back to his den-bound mate. The blue of the iris was a far different contrast to his female's russet and black pelt, a gesture of love all the same if the color didn't quite match. Perhaps a red flower would have gone better? Bane just lay there and finished off the choicest meat on the fish when his she-wolf sauntered up and lay next to his side. A calm sigh was exhaled and the pale wolf closed his eye at the touch of her pelt, the caress against his shoulder and neck, his ear.

Tahlia roved her nose and tongue over the side of his muzzle and a satisfied rumble reverberated from the elder as she varied in the places she touched. Bane opened his eye and stood up with a shake of his pelt. It was very suggestive of him how the flower was placed in her ear. It had certainly gotten Tahlia interested as was intended. And it had been all up to her. It wasn't in good taste to bluntly ask her about that matter where they were all along the riverside, but instead make it subtle. Definitely not right here though despite being along the riverbank where the newest two additions were given life. They would have to find a quiet place downwind to mate with their young so close and wandering.

At her question Bane could only smile with warming cheeks and look down at his paws. "Yes I am," he looked up with a slight grin. "but you aren't... anything I can help with?" Bane touched his nose to Tahlia's and meandered away a few paces with a playfully bow. The pale wolf gave a toss his head and smiled back at Tahlia. The rogue male loped around the bushes and sought a quiet clearing so the mates could finally be together for the first time in a few months.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•