


03-31-2013, 04:36 PM
'Those fucks! What the fuck was wrong with them? I leave for one fucking week and shit falls to hell!' Vaas thought to himself angrily as he stomped through the forest with bloodshot blue eyes. His muscles rippled from under his fur with each step. He has been walking for days, and like he said before these boots were made for walking. Although he was rather large he took stealth seriously, making sure not the slightest sound was made as he walked. Blood was everywhere and he was covered in it, honestly he was kind of pissed off to come home to a fucking uprising. All of his 'soldiers' turned against him and his slaves were all released. And they practically told Vaas to get lost, they had bitten the hand that fed them. And that infuriated Vaas, the thing about respect, okay. The thing a out respect is when someone gives something to someone else out of the 'goodness' of their hearts they are expected to be grateful.

But those ungrateful FUCKS! Turned on him. Now what the fuck was he supposed to do? His soldiers were the best of the best, personally trained by Vaas himself and now they were dead. Vaas licked the blood from his muzzle as he walked trough the dozens of dead bodies that were once his soldiers. "Stupid fucks, this is how I'm repaid for generosity? And they call me crazy. Fucking bullshit!" Vaas said stepping over some of the bodies. He paused and took a deep breath. "Ima chill, just chill. Its okay Amico you will just find another...fucking purpose." He said to himself moving on of the dead bodies with his paw. His body was badly wounded during the fight but hey, scars build character right? Shaking his head he decided to leave, he had no reason to stick around. "What a fucking waste." He spat irritably.

He walked, he walked on and on and on and on. He made a few stops, he was getting dirty and took a bath at a waterfall to wash the blood from his fur. When he did that he stepped out of the water, muscles rippling through his fur like water. He shook himself dry before looking around. Were the hell was he now? Apparently some kind of forest, fog surrounded him and many new smells drifted through his nostrils. "Well this should be fun, gotta find a new pack...if there are any that strike my interest at least." He said to himself walking off.