
there's an albatross around your neck


04-22-2014, 07:45 PM

The wolfess looked all too amused for Altavro's tastes, and he was getting rapidly tired of being called Polly - though to be fair, he'd never enjoyed it in the first place. "My name is Altavro," The golden wolf huffed, shooting her yet another irritated glance. He was distinctly unimpressed to see her look like she was fighting back laughter, but bit his tongue on anything unduly snappy when she looked at him once more, this time looking more confused than before.

Stepping forward cautiously, Altavro was more out of his depth than ever before when Albatross staggered a little, stopping in her sharp examination of him to groan. She was confused looking, her expression mirroring how he felt in that moment, and Altavro cocked his head a little, mouth half-open to ask her if she was all right. But she definitely wasn't, so that would be a waste of a question. Albatross' simple statement didn't really clear things up either. She had pups? Presumably that meant that they were dead, but he probably shouldn't say anything about that.

Jesus, women were ridiculous. What was he supposed to do? Altavro was not one of the gods that he followed so loyally, and he could not bring back wolves from the dead - if that was even what had happened. Maybe they'd just grown up and left the nest and maybe Albatross was just overreacting a little (or a lot, really). "I'm sorry, Albatross." For the moment, his grumpiness with her jokes or pranks or whatever the hell had happened was forgotten in the wake of her revelation. He still had no idea what to say or do, but he was a healer, and no healer enjoyed seeing pain like this. "Can I help?" The question was a simple one, but Altavro knew already that there were no herbs that could assist in the healing of a mind. He could put her to sleep, perhaps, or numb her to the world, but that would not help her in the long run. But maybe there was something he could do to help, even if this woman insisted on calling him Polly and oh gods, now he felt bad for her.
