
Champagne Supernova



04-22-2014, 09:01 PM

He would be pleased to see the responding joy in her face, the smile that upturned her lips and sparkled in her eyes. His tail would start up a light wag behind him, pleased with his achievements. ?Of course, like I said, my friend needs herself a piece of star? he would tease lightly, and she would nuzzle against him and tell him how sweet the gift was. It was a pretty rare find, he could admit but truly it was the smile that broke her expression that was the real gift. It was still so hard to shake the image of her telling him her pup had died, the horror in her eyes, her lost expression and the tears that had consumed her for so long afterwards. Yet, here she was and she seemed whole and happy to his eyes.

She would eagerly start back to Wolfpaw lake and once again he would pick up the warm lump of earth, holding it lightly in his jaws as he trotted to catch up with her before matching her pace. In moments they where back where they had started, with the cool night still alive and gentle around them. Only this time there was something fascinating and rare within his jaws. He would approach the shallow end of the water and gently drop the ball into the cool embrace of Wolfpaw lake. He would watch as it sizzled and the earth would fall away and the sizzling cooling embers would give new life to the unearthly stone they had found. His eyes would find hers, and there would be warmth beneath his cool blue orbs. He would reach out a paw to gently touch the stone and ensure it was cool before he would dip his head beneath the water and grip it in his muzzle again. Rising, shaking out his damp head and padding back to shore he would dump it on the dry earth once more. ?Your piece of star, as promised? he would lightly tease.
