
Champagne Supernova

Twig I


04-22-2014, 09:27 PM
As he brought her back the prize alabaster tail would rise into the air happily, as he joined her Twig's own banner would flag above her back. Long tresses of curled fur would display over her dual toned back, a place it had not taken residence in for quite a time. He would wave off her comment with his own smooth words, like finding her a part of a star was no so much of a big deal. Her smile would remain as the two would bring themselves back to the water's edge, excitement welling within her as Alpine would further himself and drop the fragment into the water.?

The heat of it would become obvious as the water began to steam and sizzle, but as quickly as it had started the water would grow still. Her neck would careen as she looked over to her companion and his work with the otherworldly stone. Liquid topaz eyes taking him in as he turned and brought himself back within her midst. He would drop it by her feet, the shining metal easily reflecting the light from the moon's surface. Her features would grow peaceful as she let her body follow suit. Laying by the piece she would inspect it closer, awe evident in her royal purple gaze. "It's so gorgeous." tearing her gaze from its swirling depths she would let herself look upon Alpine. "thank you.. Again." her voice was quiet as her gaze and ears would lower. Still her energy stocks would fail her, and tiredness beckoned at her doorstep.?