
The Elites Of Celestion.


04-23-2014, 01:27 AM
Number: 14
Name: Phoenixa
Age: 2
Voice: -Stephanie Young Voice-
Scent: Like fire smoked wood during a bonfire with the lingering hint of apple cinnamon.
Appearance: Standing at 40" she is a slimmer version of her twin brother, Phoenix. Her brother may be built like a muscled tank, but she is not so heavily built. Her bodice does contain the womanly figure and curves that the opposite sex would be quite attracted to, however, she doesn't try to do it at all. Seductive she may look, but she loathes the attention given to her. Her coat is more silken in feeling compared to her twin, for hers is softer to the touch. Her colors, however, are darker and still vibrant compared to Phoenix's coloring. Her frontal portion is covered in a smoky black hue, from her toes, up her legs, chest, face, and shoulders she is covered in sooty darkness intermixed with the boiling colors of the everlasting sun. Bright oranges cover the rest of her body in mixtures of dark and light fire, as if her fur will burn to the touch. Large paws are one feature of her that are not proportioned to match the rest of her feminine body structure, as well as her eyes that bore through the darkness. They burn with such an intensity it's as if she could burn right through your very soul. Fire seems to ring her dark pupils while a warm yellow traps the fire within.
Personality: Not as emotionless as her brother, however, a close second, this giantess likes to use her talents to her benefit. She can be seductive and manipulative when need be, however, she prefers to keep her "womanly charms" hidden under her belt. She will resort to using brute force if necessary, and almost always will if she doesn't get what she wants. She is a powerful warrior, never lacking in training as she and her brother spar constantly, however, she will never turn down the opportunity to learn more, to gain more power and tactic and grow stronger. Though she has a mind of her own, she is somewhat naive and can sometimes be manipulated into following the wrong person if she is offered the chance for power. She is more head strong and stubborn then her brother, and often finds herself in spots of trouble. Sarcasm is a well known trait of hers, as well as the stubbornness and hard headed attitude that seems to be her core. She doesn't back down, so it is hard to tell often whether she is brave...or foolish. Loyalty to her brother is instilled within her, and she will never betray him. However, who knows if she can be manipulated to turn against him. She is a power seeker, after all.

Phoenixa is a severe woman with a fearsome and commanding presence. Harsh with her subordinates and peers and coldly merciless to her enemies, the deceptively beautiful woman's sang-froid has earned her the nickname "Ice Queen" despite her fiery appearance. Sharp-tongued and highly combative, Phoenixa is no stranger to furious chastisements and bursts of fiery violence, especially toward those who fail to live up to her high standards and staunch adherence to the "survival of the fittest" philosophy. As such, she has no tolerance at all for weakness or lack of willpower and fosters great distaste for the concept of "Equivalent Exchange", or 'to gain one must give' which she views as a mindset promoting easy handouts and unnecessary compromise. That being said, she is extremely perceptive and adaptive, able to coolly judge which courses of action will lead to the most beneficial results and capable of thinking and acting on the fly in response to unpredictable or mutable circumstances.

Roleplay Sample: "Tch...where the fuck is he?" A growl escaped between her teeth, eyes sparking annoyance as she limped up the beach. Her pelt still held some moisture from the waters where she had arrived from, unsure as to how she had even gotten here. Perhaps the destruction of her homeland had forced her to the shores to begin with, subconsciously wanting to escape before she was killed. She had been following Phoenix among many others, right before a blast had separated them. She didn't know if he was alive or dead now, but either way she would continue her life with or without him. Though she did keep a rising hope within her cold chest, because he was not allowed to leave this world unless it was by her hand. "Do you hear me, Phoenix!? I'm the one that you will leave by! Not by the hands of this pathetic earth!" He yelled into the sky, the birds nearby taking flight as they startled. She would continue on, front leg limping though she did not let it hinder her. She would never show weakness to those who would find her.

It would seem like hours passed, the sun almost disappearing on the horizon. Sand clung to her fur, and it was irritating to say the least. A jetty would appear before her, and she growled in irritation. Hadn't she passed that hours ago? Looking back, she would scan her past tracks. It was what she saw when she looked forward that pissed her off. "Fuck me! Don't tell me I've been going in circles!" She was seething now. For her tracks were both behind and in front of her. She had walked around an entire island, and it didn't please her at all. Sitting, her fur bristled as her ears flattened. She was ready to tear into something, and if her brother was here she probably would have snapped at him. Teeth bared, she wanted to take out her rage on someone...

"Lost Are ya? Well, that's a shame." Her head would jolt up, who the hell was that? Fiery eyes scanned the premise, though all she could see was sand and rocks. Was she beginning to lose her mind? That was just great...She scanned once more, the voice seemed to have come from the now rocks were talking to her? "I must really be losing my mind...that or I'm dead..." "You don't look dead to me." She would jump, body whirling around to see a seemingly black creature near her tail. The giantess growled, hackles bristling as she stared at the giant lizard. What the hell was it? Why didn't she see it sneak up on her? "What's the matter darlin'? Never seen Godzilla before?" The lizard would chuckle, amber eyes ringed with green gazing up at her. Tongue flicking out every so often as its tail swept the sand behind him. "What the hell are you?" She would question it, taking a step closer to it as if threatening him. But he would only laugh in her face.

"I could ask the same thing you big smelly brute! I'm Gojira, a Marine Iguana. And you look like sodden piece of driftwood, really. That's no way to talk to someone who might know a way off this island." He would lift a claw, gazing at it before casting a quick glance at her. Phoenixa would growl, rage seething at his response. How dare he call her smelly! "Smelly?! I should rip you apart here and now you naked rat! Nobody dares talk to me that w-- She would stop. Did he say a way off? She was on an island? Now, she was interested in listening. "Wait...I'm on an island?"
Gojira would nod, raising a scaled brow at the obvious, claws finding their way back in the sand again. "I just said that, are you deaf?" He huffed slightly, though it was more teasing then anything. "It's customary to introduce yourself to those offering help, you know." He looked at her, tongue lashing out as his tail tip flickered. Phoenixa stared at him, as if bewildered that someone was talking to her this way. Though she was impressed, not many were brave enough to speak to her in such manners let alone stand up to her. "My name is Phoenixa Celestion...a celestial wolf, as my name implies. Now, where am I?"

"Aaahhh, now that's better. You're on Scaled island, part of several that ring the lands of Alacritis. And if I were you, I'd find my way to the mainland before the crocs decide to make a meal of you." Crocs? There were crocodiles here? Now that was something that would get on her nerves...though she wouldn't admit that she wouldn't be able to take on one right now, not with her injured leg. "Well, you said there was a way off right? There's someone I have to find, so if you can show me how to get out of here I'd....greatly...appreciate it..." the last words would reluctantly leave her tongue. She never asked anyone for help, but this time, she didn't have a choice. A satisfied smile would spread across the giant lizards face, a chuckle rumbling in his chest as he turned around. "Alright, follow me then. And welcome, I'm sure you'll find this place to your liking."