
I'll be right beside you, dear

Twig I


04-23-2014, 07:44 AM
His presence would be alerted to her by the gentle stirring of his previously sleeping body. Darkly painted audits swiveled forward as they tried to catch every sound he would make. Though instead of his bright features greeting her at the entrance all she would get was a soft whimper. Immediately the marked she wolf would begin to worry about him, with no words to go on her mind would easily jump to conclusions. Was he injured? Should she let herself into his den to make sure he was not dying? Conflict would rise up within her chest as her legs extended toward the ground. A few paces would be executed and a soft whine would leave her. "Alpine, are you alright?" he had never denied her before, and the scene was so similar to her first time with him after Fern's death. She had been curled up within her den, completely dead to the world when he had come in and convinced her to continue her life. Hoping not to over step her boundaries the cross marked she wolf would slowly enter Alpine's retreat.?

As he orchid optics would adjust she would be able to see a very sorry white wolf. He was curled into himself and looked quite miserable. A stark contrast to the wolf she had been with less than 24 hours ago. She would nudge him softly, physically he looked fine. "Do you have a headache? I could go.. Or get something for it? Or go..." she would stutter as her confidence would drain. Should she have entered here? At the same time she felt like she owed it to her friend to make sure he was alright.?