
Difficult Enjoyment



04-23-2014, 11:08 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had to hand it to the wolf: even with her quite plainly shutting down his offer he had not lost his stride in their conversation. As if she had not made an untrustworthy remark against him Aoto continued to tell her about his family, about the line of healers that he stemmed from, and the importance of his craft. Though her expression refused to show anything but the guarded look she had acquired, she had to admit there was truth to what he said. Healing was a special sort of talent, one that took not only a strong will but a strong heart. She might have been skilled in aiding her pack take down a sickly doe or injured stag, but in no way did she possess the sort of baseline standard that was required of healers. It was all part of the reason she was very happy with her placement in the instruction of the sigmas.

He seemed only to need a moment to catch his breath before he would press on worh his answer, surprising her with how detailed it was and how free he was with the information about his life. Wandering freely, he claimed to offer his help to any and all that he came upon, and described the type of home that might potentially make him happy. There it was, a perfect opportunity to bring up the pack she was a part of, but Ashtoreth hesitated. He had spooked her once already, drawing attention to something that was better left unmentioned, a sore subject for her. Was that a quality she wanted to bring home to Valhalla? Would he even be received well by the pack as a whole? Overall she thought his chances decent - his personality was friendly and he at least sounded knowledgeable regardless if he truly was - but still she was reluctant to make any such offers herself. She was only a hunter; it was not her job to recruit.

But he did make his case well. If not for her own insecurities that made her feel out of place this wolf seemed a likely candidate for any pack, harboring a skill that would be put to good use in any of the packs available to him. Would it be rude of her to suggest a he that was not hers, an allied pack persay? Maybe it would. Maybe she should just tiptoe around the subject for now. Or just be incredibly broad with her answer. "Healers are a necessity," she commented, thinking of her own leader who was, perhaps, the most skilled healer in all of Alacritia, "I doubt you'll have any trouble getting into a pack." Likely he would get scooped up quickly if he was so quick to offer his services. Was she possibly doing Valhalla a disservice by not at least taking him to the pack's border?