
Annihilation Will be Unavoidable


04-23-2014, 01:05 PM

The former tyrant held little room for fear, having been raised to shroud the majority of emotions in a cloud of apathy, so while any typical canine might have cowered whilst sharing the company of a behemoth such as the titan poised before her, the prodigy would neither frown in disgust nor allow the faintest twitch of muscle beneath her pallid fur as the scarlet fiend turned to regard her presence. Her mismatched gaze would devour his marred features greedily, lingering upon the raw flesh strung taut about his countenance that exposed the bleached bone of his mandible in certain areas; and although his visage was a harsh sight upon the eyes, the phantom would find herself struck silent in admiration. Scars--no matter how detrimental to the beauty of their wearers--were embellishments that the babe was quite fond of, for, in her eyes, they served as physical proof of another?s feats in combat and were worthy of honoring. Insecurity crept its way into the confines of her diseased mind as she pondered the state of her own exterior, knowing all too well that her physique adorned far fewer scars than the red king?s own--would she be underestimated because of it? The titan before her had defeated Isardis--would he see the ice king?s former pawn as something unworthy and inferior? If he did, it would not be due to her infallible composure and poise, nor for the amused smirk laden upon her facial features.

A brief chortle would erupt from the goliath?s jaws, and Artemis would find herself surprised that he refrained from begrudging her for usurping the russet-kissed Valhallan woman--or so it appeared upon the surface, anyway. However bemused she was with his seemingly-placid demeanor despite her wrongs against his kin, her practiced facade would not falter--not even as he reclined to his haunches and offered her his attention. She would not mirror his seating position, but would, instead, allow herself to grow slightly more comfortable in the presence of the brute, tail unfurling to brush lightly against her knees as she succumbed to the pleasant feeling generated by sharing the ex-king?s company. Subtly, he would draw attention to Isardis and how his grip upon the Glaciem throne seemed to have loosened over time, and Artemis would merely grunt in response, uncertain of her feelings on the matter. She had once sworn fealty on Isardis? behalf, but found herself wavering from his loyalties as her ambitions grew along with her urge for independence; she supposed it was high time to find her own path rather than that of which another wished for her to take. Although Isardis had been at her side during multiple events, times changed--as did loyalties--as did feelings.

His inquiry would bring a simper to her lips, and although immediately she knew of her answer, she would bring pause to the situation, cocking her skull to the left in a contemplative manner. ?Although I do find myself missing the old conflicts, I would not want the same conflicts,? she began, pausing again to emphasize her point. It was time for a new era--she did not wish to travel back in time to see Valhalla and Glaciem tear one another apart for the sake of one woman; no, she craved something much more dramatic. ?A world that would appeal to me is a world where its leaders do not hide behind alliances, but rather, take risks in order to move ahead--those unafraid to take the path less traveled by.? It seemed as if all the current packs were quick to unite to maintain the peace--but what was the point in peace if it left life predictable and dull? ?Perhaps I am mad,? she stated, the smirk elongating across her porcelain countenance as her mismatched gaze locked with the red titan?s cyan, ?but I would rather watch the world burn.? At this, the babe sank back to her haunches slowly, curious as to how he would handle the information she had so confidently just relayed to him. ?And if I must be the one to carry the torch that sets it ablaze, so be it.?