
Legendary and Epic


04-23-2014, 01:46 PM
The news would come from Blizzard... News that set his mind and heart ablaze with raw anger. As she finished speaking a snarl would rip from Ritsuka?s lips, the brute on his feet with ears pinned and eyes narrowed. Some male wrecked his family after he left. He had always seen them as unbreakable, unshakable, a group that caused no grief to others or invited in trouble. But some male, some outsider, would dare come upon them. Attacking Blizzard... And... If their father no longer stood by their mother?s side he knew the man that raised him well enough to know that meant he was dead. As for those pups... They could either be full blooded siblings or worse, that bastard?s children.

Emerald orbs blazed, body shaking as images flashed through his mind. ?He?ll pay... Even if I have to go and hunt him down myself!? His tail would lash back and forth like that of an angry cat. There was a mixture of grief in his heart as well. What was his mother dealing with right now...? His father being dead too... And... What of their littermates? He couldn?t bear news of them right now. Another snarl would pass his lips, full of frustration. No matter what happened... He was going to avenge his father. He was going to free his mother from his grasp.

After a moment Ritsuka would calm enough to turn back to his sister, pressing against her and bringing her into an embrace. ?I... I?m sorry Blizzard. I should have been there... To protect you. To protect all of you.? Guilt plagued him now. ?I swear to you... Things will be set right. I?m going to step up my training... And I?ll put that damn bastard in the ground. He?ll rue the day he dared come across the Sotakiu family.? He was shaking. Even if the thought wasn?t at the surface it still lingered in his subconscious. He could have lost Blizzard too. Ritsuka would tighten the embrace for a moment. ?I?m so sorry...?
