
Unwilling, but Able


04-23-2014, 01:48 PM

An Eta. Arwel would take a moment to remember that the rank was the one given to healers. All the same he would respect that Cael wanted to test his paws in the waters of other skills. It was asked for by their alphess, though he would imagine such a thing to be a tad more difficult for those whose natural calling was that of healing. Their main tasks were normally to tending wounds, rather than giving them. While he wouldn?t put it past Cael to have potential to be a strong opponent he would keep in mind that, more likely than not, the wolf before him was not one who had practiced fighting skills in some time.

?Shall we??

Arwel would give a nod of his head, body moving naturally to recall what it is he knew about fighting. His head would lower, chin tucked closer to his chest. His ears would lower close to his skull, eyes narrowing and jaw unhinging to be prepared to make an attack. Arwel would widen his stance, allowing his weight to shift more evenly to aid in his balance. Even if it was not a target at the moment Arwel would tuck his tail out of habit before rolling his shoulders forward, the fur on his hackles rising. He would wait, expecting Cael to make the first move. However the Eta almost seemed... Lost when it came to what to do now. So Arwel would take the initiative to press on and make an attack.

The multi-hued male would lunge forward. He kept his head low, aiming to ram into Cael with his full weight as if he were a battering ram. A head on attack wasn?t always the most wise move to make, however Arwel wasn?t too worried about that when it came to a packmate. They weren?t aiming to maim each other after all, and the chances of a more moderate injury still weren?t too bad. At the very least they would both walk away with, in his mind, at most a few cuts and some bruising at most. As he closed in on Cael his head would go back, aiming slightly more to the left, so that should his attack be successful he could seek to snap his jaws upon the Eta?s lower left leg. The bite would be big enough to just aim to make sure he got his target, and, should he get his hold, aim to plant his paws upon the ground and pull upon it to off-balance the other male.


Rounds:: 2

Attacks:: Arwel is first attempting to ram directly into Cael. As he is about to make contact Arwel swings his head back so that once his attack {hopefully} lands he will swing it back forward in hopes to grab onto Cael?s lower left leg. Then, to steady himself, he will plant all four paws upon the ground and yank back in an attempt to off-balance the other.
Defenses: Head Lowered, Chin Tucked, Ears Pinned, Eyes Narrowed, Jaws Unhinged, Widened Stance {to even balance}, Tail Tucked, Shoulders Rolled Forward, Fur on the hackles raised

Injuries:: None, first round. :3

Note:: As I said we don?t need to have this spar judged if you don?t want. xD I?m just putting the stats here just to keep in the habit of putting them in my fighting posts. ;3