
I'll be right beside you, dear



04-23-2014, 02:41 PM

His senses where locked upon her every movement, and so keenly could he hear her soft movements, her urgency to enter his den but her hesitancy to do so. The soft whine of worry that escaped her, the sound of his name again upon her lips. His Twig, his closest friend in this world stood just outside and yet he could not bring himself to open his maw and offer a response. He was too ashamed, to filled with self-doubt and self-hate and yes, even shame at how terrible he was responding to the whole situation.

Still he would not move, but would catch the sound of her movement as she hesitantly moved further into his den, moved until she was close enough to nudge and nudge him she would. The gentle, concerned movement against his side would bring him to emit a sigh from his vocals. She would continue to speak, and in the end it would be the worry in her tone that would bring his head to rise and look for the first time into the eyes of his friend. He blinked against his bloodshot eye and felt self-conscious to the damp tears that streaked against his soft cheeks. It would not be the first time she had seen him cry, but it would be the first time it would be for his own personal sadness. ?No.. it?s not.. he still struggled with words, as through suddenly he held nothing in his vocabulary that could fully explain the situation he had put himself in. He would clear his throat, letting lose another soft sigh and trying to pull himself into some sort of whole. ?What was it you where after Twig, is everything alright for you?? he would ask her softly, moving forward to offer a soft lick against her cheek, ashamed that he had now worried his best friend, to add to the list off all his other sins.
