


04-23-2014, 03:05 PM
Fangs gripped the area of her shoulder and upper neck, certainly leading to a rather awkward position indeed. Claws would cut flesh as the red woman's forepaws went to work, seeking to do any damage at all possible. Minor things compared to some of the damage she had taken... until her opponent's claws found the previous injury upon her lower right foreleg. Pain flared as the flesh was torn further. Before the wounds wouldn't have been such a problem, minus the torn ligaments she likely had, but further damage could possibly turn into a permanent limp. The attacks landed in a matter of seconds, before she could move her own counter measures into motion.

Her mind was reeling. The thought of losing Seracia was weighing even more heavily upon her now. There were wolves counting on her... she... she couldn't fail! She might not have felt she was the best alphess but she was still their Queen. She was their first and last line of defense in this manner of business.

Her lunge earned her freedom, though her opponent did not let go immediately. A good amount of flesh had flesh had been torn away, leaving an open wound where teeth once had their hold. She would land hard, moving to gain just a moment or two so she could recollect herself and try and turn things back into her favor. Destruction would buck up, her right hind paw clipping the jaw of her opponent. Perfect. She didn't have to hear the jaws snap shut to know she had made her mark. Back legs would fall to the earth and the dark woman would turn towards the smaller red woman.

It came down to this. Destruction's eye would narrow once more, ears pinning flat against her skull. Honestly, if the woman could have managed it the ears would have lowered further. This woman had done nothing against her personally, yet her challenge threatened everything she held dear. She was going to be a wall, an unwavering wall that stood for her pack. The wolves she cared for... the wolves that made up her new family. It wasn't until she had truly thought about losing that the fear of losing them... the fear of impending change rising.

Large cranium would lower as she planted herself on the ground, tucking her tail and digging her claws into the soil. Her stance was widened just enough to help her distribute her weight, shoulders rolling forward as her face twisted in a snarl of pain. That last injury was going to be an issue. She felt something stirring... raw anger mingling with fear. Back when she first lost her world she had been too young to do anything... now was her chance.

Fur, particularly on her hackles, would raise up. Her stomach tucked as well as Destruction braced herself. Her plan was to counter and overpower... she only prayed that her plan would not fail. The red woman was lowered, lunging forward at her head on. So she was using her smaller height. Destruction's own jaws would flash, aimed to slash across the damaged area of Vi's neck again. It had been the only area that was truly exposed to her in this position... and a hold wasn't her goal this time. Just to tear across the old wound as many times as possible and cause more bloodloss.

The smaller woman would plant herself on the ground, her height being her advantage here. The proximity was too close, and Destruction would bend her legs in an attempt to do a small hop back, but not before her opponent's position landed her an attack.

The jaws of the red woman would catch onto the area of her lower throat and upper chest {basically the very bottom of the throat, before the adam's apple}. Blood would drip from the puncture wounds as Destruction changed her mind about the hop back. Destruction would throw her weight forward again just as the other woman hooked her upper leg around her right foreleg and pulled. She could feel her balance shifting, but rather than panic Destruction would use this in one last attempt to get at the other woman.

Destruction would push forward with hind legs. Her front left leg would have the paw hit the ground hard as she hopped closer to the woman. She wanted her to go forward? Then, as her front paw hit the ground again Destruction would throw her weight downward. The red woman was either going to have to let go of her hold or she was going down under Destruction's front half. Every bit of her weight went into the fall, aiming to crush her opponent's head between her neck, head, and the ground.


Attacks:: Slashing across the old neck wound first. Once Vi has her grip on Destruction's throat / upper chest Destruction throws her weight forward and, in a last little attack, is aiming to throw her upper half on top of Vi and crush her into the ground. Destruction is not putting her paws out at all. Free form front body flop.

Defenses:: Eye narrowed, ears pinned, lowered head, tucked tail, stance widened {for even weight distribution}, shoulders rolled forward, hackles raised / fur raised, firmly planted onto the ground with claws digging into the ground for added grip, stomach tucked, jaws unhinging

-Cut on right shoulder
-Teeth punctures on the outside half of her right front leg. A couple teeth punctuations go a bit farther though. Now also has claw damage and further beeding to this area.
-Torn ligament(s).
-Teeth puncture wounds on neck area near scruff / above shoulders. A medium-small amount of flesh is torn away from the area.

Notes:: Actually Dione you read that perfectly. ^^ I didn't want to add too must movement and whatnot into my post so Destruction merely turned to face Vi in preparation for an attack.

Also... I'm pretty sure I derped on this but... I had a ton of fun. ^^