
Power Trip


04-23-2014, 08:54 PM

So far no one had any questions, everything was going off without a hitch. So when her attention was directed to Uisge a brow lifted as he spoke. He seemed to the be the only unhappy with his rank. But who could blame, it took a certain type of wolf to be a healer. The Queen would hear him out, thinking about where else she could place him. For a moment she didn't answer, just looked at him thoughtfully. "Very well, I can understand that. You will work Neios then, as Agressuer. However, I expect to share your knowledge of poisons with then next Baron we get. You and Neios can share what you know with each other." Her gaze would flicker to Neios, giving a look that said he had better cooperate. Looking back at Uisge, she would wait to see that he found this new rank acceptable. "I should like to see you spar as some point, so I know you don't twist your ankle every time." A smirk tugged at one side of her mouth, she needed to know that her Agressuers were capable fighters and not clumsy fools. Her gaze would sweep the rest of the crowd, watching some disperse and awaiting anymore questions.