
Paws and Claws


03-31-2013, 07:28 PM
Allaire Ran her little heart pumping. She had indeed seem this type of cat before, she did grow up where they roamed, and her home pack competed against the clawed beasts, but what she had not expected was to run into the big cat on her travels, and most certainly not have them chasing her. She looked over her shoulder as her small frame dodged behind yet another hanging branch of a giant tree. Allaire had never seen such trees, she grew up in a land barren of such lushness, and couldn't fathom how any wolf hunted with such obstetrical in there way. But it seemed the Cat that was so at home in the desert was also at home in a to damp lush place, for it was gaining on her faster then her small body could move.

Allaire fainted left pushing her body between a very small opening. The Puma gave a angry roar as its body got stuck in the roots of the large tree, but the small girl could not celebrate her victory for long, because the cat was able to claw its way out of its imprisonment and resume its chase. Allaire gave a startled yelp as she turned and continued on, her body heaving with fatigue. If she had to continue on much longer she was not going to make it through the day, and was going to end up cat nip.

It was then that it hit her, right before the cat had stumbled onto her she had scented a pack and had turned the other way before the cat had other ideas and drove her back. So there was still hope for the small girl, Some though it was. She just hoped that; one, they hear or smell her and the cat before Allaire gets eaten; and two, they are will to help even though she did indeed pass into there territory without permission. It was a long shot, she knew, most packs did not take kindly to intruders, her parent pack included; but with the cat gaining up on her with ever stride, and her body slowly breaking down; she was willing to take her chance with her own kind over those of this cat. Allaire gave out a short howl, her lungs hardly giving her enough breath to give out the short little call she needed. So with that the small girl pushed her body on, the cat close behind, growling and almost salivating at the mouth for it knew she was losing steam, and losing it quick.