
Night Time Songs of Summer


04-24-2014, 01:59 AM
The tender touch of Obsidian's nose to her own felt comforting. Rikku's nostrils flared more, taking in the warm scent that belonged to the black giantess. She was but a few days old, her mother having disappeared shortly after her birth, fate giving the little girl no more then a day to be with her. She was incredibly hungry, it was a wonder how she survived the days without her mother and without being eaten by a predator. Willpower, she supposed. She wanted to live, to grow up, to see everything she could. Head tilted slightly as a sneeze erupted from her, throwing her head back and causing her to squeak before shaking her head. What a blast! It had left her cross eyed for a moment before she recomposed herself. Ears streamlined forward as the mare spoke, Rikku frowning slightly at Obsidian's response. A shake of her head a nd a small shrug would answer for her...she wasn't sure when she had last seen her own mother. All she could remember was her golden sunlit pelt running into the tall grass, her hoof beats fading away before all went silent.

She would then decide to rise, front legs gathering under her as she pushed up, rear in the air and front end on her knees like a clumsy bow. Once she was on all fours, her tail wagged away the grasses that clung to her, and she stumbled forth to take in the comfort and warmth of the mare as she trailed along her side, the search for food was on! She nosed Obsidina's side, not knowing that a consequence could potentially ensue for invading another horses private space, especially if it wasn't her own mother. But alas, hunger was winning over...and yet, before she would even reach to the spot, she'd stop at Obsidian's flank to rub her head upon the mare, scratching at a spot that had been difficult to reach on her own.
Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think