
Black sheep in the crowd [pack meeting]



11 Years
04-24-2014, 02:17 AM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2014, 11:26 AM by Bane.)
Bane dunked his muzzle into the lake moments after the sound of Vaughan's howl, his two eldest sons following their fathers lead. The deer had been taken at amidst as made it's way to the lake. The elder had been in the trailing back to prevent it's escape while his sons, Jakart and Nako, came in from either side. A three way pincer, and it had worked beautifully. The pale wolf didn't even have to move much, and that's what bothered him.?He'd much rather be a Sola Knight where his age could be used for knowledge and not meat, that much he would leave for his sons to provide for the pack. The blood was cleaned off of his muzzle and he inspected his sons with a glance. They looked presentable to the pack that was meeting just along the lakes shoreside, and with a jerk of his head signaled for the two younger wolves to follow.

The walk was short, growing voices giving their greetings to packmates as Bane nodded to all he passed along the edge as he made his way to the rest of his family.?"There you all are," Bane said as he loped up to Tahlia with a nuzzle as he sat beside her. "hows the only fine thing in Ebony doing. Doing as good as protecting our young I hope." Bane added. Tahlia had taken the injury to her eye and well... she was being very self conscious about it. Frankly Bane couldn't about the fact that she was now blind in one eye. If that was the worst thing to happen protecting their two youngest, then the loss of sight and a bit of pride was the best thing that came out of the earthquake for their family. Their two pups, their three yearlings. Everybody was ok. And complimenting Tahlia a bit more wasn't such a bad thing if it meant keeping her spirits up.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•