
Paws and Claws


03-31-2013, 07:51 PM
Vaas was wandering to his hearts content, he was kind of pissed he didn't have pack to run anymore. Then again it wasn't much of a pack, more of an organization if anything. Oh well, he would have to find a new pack, maybe one with plenty of chickas. "Mmmm, nice." He said to himself as he wondered pretty close to a packs territory. His eyes scanned the area, were there was a border there were always scouts. And if a pack did not have scouts they were a pack that didn't last very long. Vaas wondered what kind of pack lied before him, with a cocked eyebrow Vaas walked forward unflinchingly.

As he walked closer to the borders suddenly there was a pretty strong scent. Vaas inhaled and realized it was a female wolf and...Cat? Apparently Vaas had messed his nose up at some point. He looked around curiously when out of no were some girl rushed past him, Vaas didn't flinch but instead stood there and washed her run off. "The hell?" He said as she vanished beyond borders. Well she was a goner, trespassing like that would only bring trouble. An instant later something smashed into him yowling and clawing at him. Vaas hit the ground with a loud thud and the car he smelled raised a paw and clawed him in the face, cutting the side of his face and head. Vaas snarled. "YOU FUCK!!" He snarled as he summoned all his strength and pushed the cat off of him. The Puma fell off of him and tried to pounce him as he stood. Vaas got down and let the cats claws go over him as he rocketed himself up and took the Puma by under its neck. Slamming the Cat onto its back and biting hard. The cat roared and tried clawing at him again but Vaas let go and dodged. Letting the cat stand as Vaas chuckled. "You wanna fuck with me you bitch? COME ON!! Hit me mother fucker!" He snarled violently and insanely as he waited for the Puma to attack. Or for an extra paw.