
W.hiskey. T.ango. F.oxtrot.


04-24-2014, 08:17 AM

What a strange world this is. Bemused chuckles leave her as she explores. Her stomach rumbles in hunger, but she knows not what to do about it. For a brief moment, she thinks about the circumstances that brought her here. The war that destroyed her home- the family that she feared that she'd never again see. Were they even alive? The princess could only wonder and expect the worse. She feels the grief she felt as she fled again, huge tidal waves of it. For a moment, she stills, closing her eyes against the pain. No, she cannot focus on that right now. She's exposed- she's not safe. She can break down later. Right now she needed to find food. She's gonna be alright, she assures herself, though she's not sure how. Wide green eyes scan the area around her, searching for signs of life. Do other wolves even live here? A sharp cry echoes through the dusk, and her muscles cringe what is it? Will it harm her? Will I ever be safe? The thought echoes in her head.

Steeling her nerves, she silences the whimper that threatens to leave her, and she raises her head. She's better than this. She's a royal. The blood flowing through her pristine veins demanded her to show up- to act as someone of her status should. She could handle herself, Melto, her best friend back home, and the son of one of her father's friends, always told her stories of far away worlds and how he had survived the harshest elements. If Melto can do it, so can I. She thinks, her mind is determined. She will not be stopped.

A crack of a limb echoes behind her and she flinches, her words leaving her before she thinks. "Hello?" She curses mentally, because her tone wavers. Brilliant, the mad man is going to introduce himself before he kills you. She scoffs at herself, the thoughts causing her ears to flatten slightly. I will not show fear. She thinks, she turns towards the sound, her green eyes seeking the stranger...
