
there's an albatross around your neck


04-24-2014, 09:39 AM

What else was there to do but promise? Altavro was out of his depth, more than he'd ever been before. He was all but an expert on matters of the body, but the mind? Well, he would do his best. That was what he could offer her. He might have been grumpy or cranky or a thousand other things, but he'd never abandon an injured wolf, and she was injured too. Maybe not physically, but she was injured, and he was a Nomad and he was honor bound to help her, and he would have helped her anyways. Albatross was an interesting wolf, and despite his best efforts to the contrary, Altavro had enjoyed her company. Just a little! Not a lot, of course, but enough that he would have stuck around anyways.

Altavro pricked his ears towards her, looking down at the female. She looked so little, so broken on the sand, that he wanted to help her more than anything. "I will, Albatross." It wasn't a promise Altavro made lightly. He didn't make promises easily, and this one was one that Altavro fully intended to see through to the end. "You're going to be all right." This was accompanied by a nod on his part - he knew she would be. The world was not so cruel as to keep torturing her now, and Altavro would help her. He would be there for her. She was injured and he would help her, and for him it was that simple.
