
damaged goods


04-24-2014, 01:38 PM

His replies rolled off his tongue sharply, his annoyance becoming evident, the silver woman would only narrow her eyes, she had every right to lay into him. But the conversation would quickly change, flowing into less aggressive topics. He snorted, and immediately noted the change in her body. A growl vibrated in her throat as he called her fat. He would lean closer, his nose wrinkling before his accusation rolled off his tongue. For a moment she said nothing. "Yes." She confirmed it, there was no point in denying it, he was far to observant to not notice. And he was the only one bold enough to ask.

"Kylar is the father." She kept the details to a minimum, he didn't need to know the extend of their relationship or the feelings they shared. If he asked then she would answer, but if he didn't then she would say nothing. "I will need you to step up when its time for me to rid myself of these things." It was not a request, it was part of his duty as Alpha. If a meeting needed to be called then he needed to make sure it got done. He hadn't been at the last meeting with the higher ranking wolves so she didn't expect him to know which meetings to call and when, but she would fill him in.