
A frozen Waste


02-08-2013, 10:28 AM
Listing to the conversation of the two, Ookami waited till Cyril flew off before she turned to Thane and spoke. She did not get anything out until he licked her muzzle.

"Yeah I'll help you dig a den" she said a she begun to walk over to the pike of snow.

Her front paws begun to dig them selves in to the snow and started to clear out a den for them to spend the nite in. She looked over at Thane now and again and smiled at him. He was to good to her and she loved that about him. Looking back at the den that was beginning to take form Ookami let out a yawn and thought of how warm this den would be once it was done.

"Thane, How long were you looking for me" She said as she stopped digging and her green eyes looked in to his. She wanted to know how long she was gone and that would give her an estimate as to how long she was out for. Ookami did not remember most of it all she remembers is being taken up in the tornado and then waking up on the cold ground. To her it was amazing as to how she was alive at all.