
Take me down


03-31-2013, 09:01 PM


Champion's bear sized paws trundled along with a rhythmic drumbeat. The beat, not of a carefree female's heart, but of a war drum. Recently recovered from when an elk decided to play pattycake on her ribcage, Champion was looking for a fight.

But usually when this was said, one imagined a swaggering, squinty-eyed teeth knasher with a bur under their tail. Not so with Champion. Oh she had a thirst for blood. But also a thirsty for such things as honor and formallity. To coin one of her typical phrases - she was always looking for a fight, but never looking for an enemy.

Not that she ever expected such quarter from her oppoenant. Her tendency to walk straight into wasp's nest and gotten her stung plenty of times. Once she'd only escaped by throwing herself into a river. Fun times. But then she'd been nothing but a yearling. Champion was now two and half years old - just coming into her prime - and already she had the build and speed of a fighting bear. And also the coloration of sunshine... slightly less intimidating. Her eyes tended to make up for that though; blood red orbs the color of the devil's hide.

It was these eyes that widened and glimmered when she heard the frustrated curses of a nearby wolf. The winds and shifted against her and she was nearly on top of the male before the trees parted and revealed his shadowy form. Who was this that wasted his language on wood and stone? And more importantly:

"Who put mousescat in your meat?"


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~