
Black sheep in the crowd [pack meeting]



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-24-2014, 05:24 PM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2014, 05:24 PM by Epiphron.)

It was strange to be in Ebony without most of her family. The woman was not truly alone, she had her husband -- but she couldn't help but feel inextricably lonely being here. Epiphron would never admit it out loud, but having not seen any of her children was remarkably painful. When she'd first married Maverick, she'd never expected children so quickly, nor had she envisioned them being so important to her. They ran through her mind almost constantly. Soon, she would visit Seracia to make sure her youngest children were faring well.

Her mood was solemn as a call rang out over the land. It was not Raisa, but a voice unfamiliar to her. She would rise quickly and turn to head toward the group meeting. As she drew closer, her sapphire gaze danced over the group that had gathered. Many were familiar at a glance, but she could only put names with a select few faces -- Isidora was one of them. And.. Bane? And his wife? He had been banished from the Kingdom of Seracia long ago, and it seemed he had found himself here. She would remain silent as she drew closer to the growing group. She could not help but share her husband's dislike of the man, though her feelings were not overly strong.

Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias was silent as she reclined to her haunches, watching Vaughan with a curious gaze. She hoped her husband would join her soon, and her head tilted to the side as she searched for him in the distance.