
Ancient Dances



04-24-2014, 07:48 PM

Oh Alpine was good, and smart. A grin flashed quickly through Cormalin?s expressions, before the blank fa?ade dropped like a curtain over his features, as his right shoulder glanced across Alpine?s left shoulder, and the white male remained planted firmly. Good defenses. He?d be hard to bring down in a siege. Good. The faint throb in his shoulder was noted, and he guessed that Erani would scold both males for the bruises. As Alpine?s shoulder jutted out toward Cormalin?s neck, the veteran abandoned the bid for Alpine?s scruff, the shoulder instead brushing against his thick fur as he arched his neck out of the way.

As Cormalin rose, it was here that his plan fell back into place, hopefully. Alpine shifted his weight, his shoulder aiming for Cormalin?s brisket, and Cormalin tucked his chin, right leg abandoning the attempt to wrap around as he brought his right shoulder forward to protect his throat against Alpine?s lunge. The teeth would connect instead with Cormalin?s thick fur and hard right shoulder point, leaving a small puncture wound set. Instead of flinching away, Cormalin shoved his right shoulder toward Alpine?s jaws, in an attempt to stuff his mouth with fur, as Cormalin?s own jaws dove for Alpine?s neck scruff, in an attempt to grasp him there, his hind paws hopping to the left, attempting to bring the two fighters into a roughly perpendicular position, or a rough ?L? position, upon which time, his left foreleg would pull against Alpine?s back, and should Cormalin?s lunge for Alpine?s scruff have been successful, he would use his larger size and powerful muscles to attempt at pulling Alpine further into his lean towards Cormalin, right foreleg attempting to hook over Alpine?s neck or head to aid in his attempt at toppling Alpine.

Tail swept through the air, a balancing rudder against his movements, while his hind paws remained squared, claws tearing into the soil for traction. His hackles remained fully raised, chin tucked, ears pinned, shoulders rolled forward, while his abdominal muscles tensed. His eyes squinted to protect the blue and gold gaze from attacks, and through it all, Cormalin made no sounds other than measured breathing.

Fight Stats

Round: 2 of 3

Defenses: Listed toward the end

Attacks: Attempting to shove his right shoulder into Alpine's jaws to gag him with fur, simultaneously diving in an attempt to grasp the scruff of Alpine's neck in his own jaws. Attempting to use his left foreleg/paw to pull Alpine over and possibly underneath him, and attempting to add his right foreleg as leverage, attempting to hook the leg and paw over Alpine's head or upper neck/base of the skull.

Injuries: Moderate Bruising on the right shoulder from initial attack's impact | Minor puncture wounds from Alpine's teeth on the right shoulder, light bleeding will begin at third round. Moderate bruising on the brisket (chest), from Alpine's secondary shoulder jab.

Out Of Character Notes: Sorry I took so long xD I tend to have to think hard for stuff like this. And hopefully, it makes sense to ya! I'll try and get Azazyl's tablet back from him to make diagrams soon, hopefully! Any questions, feel free to ask ^.^ <3