
Shawty on the Flo (Joining)



4 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-24-2014, 08:57 PM (This post was last modified: 04-25-2014, 07:16 PM by Hani.)

Hani Haust

The woman answered so pointedly and so quickly that Hani felt suddenly scolded. Her eyes stayed glued to her paws as the female continued , missing her look completely. Hani tried not to be intimidated, but she found it harder and harder to look up. Her mouth began to run dry, "Empire? What's the difference between a pack and an empire? " Hani wondered for a second, most of the words were a blur; after seeing the things she had seen on her trip, Hani would give her tail to be in a pack. If she was trained, she could live on her own again. Right?

As the female began again, Hani's head hung. The woman criticized her lack of experience and Hani could do nothing but nod. She didn't expect it to be easy, but she didn't want to be ruled by a snow king or have to fight right away- surely if she did she would fail miserably- but she was open to learn. She was young, she had energy, and a small, rebellious part inside believed that if she tried hard enough she could maybe even one day match the rank of this wolfess- the aunt of the alpha wolf that was "sent from the gods" or something. She didn't really buy into that yet, but she was sure if she tried, if she just put effort in, she would learn a lot and maybe become strong like this woman.

Hani thought for a moment, her brow furrowing. She could do this, right? She could take this challenge, couldn't she? A mix of pride and determination rose in Hani's chest as she looked at the woman in the eyes for perhaps the first time since the brief glance of their meeting,
"I can do it. I can't do a lot right now, really, but I can become a worthy member of the pack- I'm sure of it. I'm sure. How do I get accepted? I'm not very impressive. I'm not too strong, but give me training and I'll show you determination." Hani finished with an intake of breath that she would unknowingly hold until the other gave her an answer. She was determined, but for the first time in her life, Hani was suddenly forced into being serious. She had always wanted to, at least at some point, but it was suddenly very real very fast.



