
Say Something


04-30-2014, 08:45 PM
Perhaps it was a stroke of fate that brought him towards the beach. Ritsuka had decided to take some time away from Tortuga, just a while, to clear his head. The mainly cream brute let out a sigh as he padded along, emeralds orbs focusing on the earth. His mind kept wandering to the family he left... and his father. A saddened look was in those emerald orbs as he walked along. He missed the brute... a male who was wise. Who was strong. What had cause this strange male to come in and take over his family? Greed? Jealousy? Lust? Hatred? He couldn't understand it. His father never started anything... they just kept to themselves.

The scent of another Tortugan would hit his nose. Misha he believed... the shy fae. He would frown a little, scenting the breeze again. Was she out here alone? Where was her mate? He was, admittedly, a little concerned, and so Ritsuka would head off in the direction her scent came from to find the fae upon the ground. Green eyes would widen, fearing the worst, and the brute would hurry to her side.

"Misha! Are you..." He trailed off and the male would gently press his nose to her neck, checking for her pulse. She was still breathing but... the male was worried. Gentle nuzzles, trying to rise the fae would come from Ritsuka. "Please, you have to be alright." He couldn't bear the thought that one of his fellow packmates was in this condition... that she might... no... no he couldn't think of that. He wouldn't let her die... wouldn't let any of them die. He'd give everything he could to prevent it.
