
A Mirror Never Lies; I See What They See


04-24-2014, 09:19 PM

Cataleya's speech

Kylar's speech

"Such hostility from one who is so alone."

Hostility was never the word for this female, more like brutality. In fact she aimed to kill them by just the tone in her voice. Yet, these two seemed like they weren't so easily persuaded. Which meant Sinister would have to deal much more of an effort to sway them; even the slightest bit. Concealed with her own saliva, dripping slowly from the edges of her sharpened blades, the only thing she felt like doing at this point was enjoy her meal without being annoyed by foolish souls that orbited around her. Something inside of her screamed out for vengeance, and yet the only thing that seemed to come out now was her emotionless comment thrown back at the fae. "So alone I am indeed, but what you do not know is that in time we are all left infinitely, and utterly.. alone.." Sating her words over with a fine coating of powerful rage, splitting the eerie breeze current that nipped and tugged violently at her broad features.

"Is there something more acceptable we can call you?"

Again the pregnant femme before Sinister was making her two-sense known, and this was starting to crawl it's way under her skin. Pressuring her to launch herself at the female and commit punishment upon the innocent women. Rounding her shoulders, stretching out her back to ease her now aching limbs from the stiffness she was weighing down on her. Thinking of some way to proclaim herself, announce her name and get this conversation over with so she could vanish into the night. Though, at this point, Sinister was beginning to realize this wasn't going to happen so she went with it. the caliber of a murderer stood up to her full height, crossing over the line of a Godzilla and cranking her neck to glare down on the unknown she-wolf. Canines bared dangerously, flashing in the little sunlight that gleamed down through a gap of two twin trees. Sinister's vocal cords released an intimidating, rough, and yet still semi-calm tone.

" My name? You want to know what others call me? Well, I would tell you, but that's classified. There are reasons why I'm known as a phantom in these lands." She dared not announce her name until she knows she can at least trust these two, it would only plague her name out across the plains, soon it would get back to her father and he will come after her and there will be no stopping him.

ooc-- yeah, same sorry.

Walk,"Talk", Think