
Conquer the Sky



3 Years
04-24-2014, 09:30 PM

As she walked, Talvi managed to catch a fairly fresh scent. The girl chose not to seek the other out though, if they happened upon each other then of course she wouldn't ignore them, though she wasn't about to embark on some mission just to locate the wolf she didn't even know. It didn't help either that the mission would be harder than she currently realised, to search she would have to look above.

"You hoo!" And it was at that point that Talvi would direct her attention skywards, peering up into the trees and catching sight of a silver face peering down at her. A rather talented climber it seemed, though she would keep the admiration to herself, at least for now anyway. "Hello." She called back, though a sudden rustling suggested that the other was on the move. Eyes followed the trail until eventually the other had landed on the ground and was approaching her.

Hello there. I'm Athena," The name meant little to her, in her absence her family had of course found plenty of other things to focus upon, or chosen to not think about the girl that had left them. "Hello, I'm Talvi." She repeated her greeting once more, adding her name in as well this time to introduce herself to the other.

Whilst something about the scent seemed vaguely familiar, Talvi found she was unable to place the source, it simply escaping her mind each time she tried to venture a guess within her head. By sight alone there was of course a family resemblance, though as with Talvi's delicate mixture between her parents, it wasn't immediately clear to guess with no further advice.

"You wouldn't happen to know Argent, would you? I just wondered since I can smell her on you." Why the question mattered Talvi wasn't quite sure. Her mother had been demoted as of late, she was hardly the most active within the pack it seemed, Talvi was sure she had her reasons though she at least wished her mother would have shared them with her. "Yes" She responded, still not sure why it really mattered to the silver girl. "She is my mother."