
Take me down


03-31-2013, 09:32 PM


Champion gazed on glassy eyed and stiff nosed as the male poured out his lovely little torrent. She'd never seen any allur to language - certainly she'd been around it enough - growing up and training with soldiers and vetrans - but, eh, it just never seemed useful to her. The male's words rather lent arguement to these thoughts than against it. When he finished, Champion swept her tail up high behind her back. She presented herself as calm and powerful and confident - but not cocky. Cockiness was a liability. Champion was just more.... insanely unafraid. "I meant - What's made you so angry with the world?" She blinked her crimson orbs. "Then again, you don't look as though words are going to help you any." She rolled her gigantic shoulders.

"How about I let your release a little stress?" the girl said with a low, tempting growl. "All I ask is a little shedding of your blood in return." The hunger was back - the drive for adrenaline - for a challenge - for a pitting of wits and guts and stamina. She lived for the clash between two equal fighters. Sometimes it made her come off as a rather sadistic creature, but she was far from that. Well, usually.


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~