
tear it down, build a monument of my beauty


04-24-2014, 11:16 PM

She hadn't been concentrating on where she was going, the black beauty's tea cupped paws had simply carried her to the one place she had come to loathe. Her dual toned optics took in the forest of draping branches with a dark, distant glint. Some part of her wanted to rip off the branches, to carve markings into every trunk and show the world what betrayal felt like, but it wasn't even worth it. If the eternal grinner dared show her face, she deserved to find the world she'd left behind untouched, as if she had never existed to warrant destruction. For some reason, that seemed more like it would hurt Ryu.
Shoving those thoughts away with an irritated huff, the petite ebony bitch continued on through the trees. The draping tendrils of their branches would occasionally reach out and caress her flanks, reminding her of their presence. Something glittered up ahead, and eventually the trees parted to reveal a glittering pond. It was dazzling in the sunlight, glittering like a massive jewel trapped in the sand. A soft sigh of contentment would leave her dark lips as the autumn sun struck her obsidian coat, and her haunches would fall to the pale sand underfoot. Long ebony plume would sweep across the terrain and come to wrap about her paws as she stared out wistfully to the other side of the pond. The ducks were gone, headed somewhere warm. The frogs were almost silent, preparing for their hibernation.
Everything was getting ready to fall asleep or flee the cold, and here she was with just a thick coat of silken shadows. The world was strange, that was for sure. Magnificent, two toned optics scanned the scenery for something to warrant her attention. It was a lovely day, and some company seemed due to enjoy it with. Maybe she could go seek out one of the babes, and take them out on a hunting lesson? Or search out someone lonely and have a nice conversation while sunbathing? The possibilities were endless, but a decision need not be made yet. The solitude was nice for now, just her, the lapping water, and the dying warmth of the sun.
