
A Daily Offering.



8 Years
04-24-2014, 11:39 PM

*Crunch.* The rabbit?s terrified shriek was cut short by the jaws of the Psi Secondary as they closed around the neck with a vicious snap. Sarak raised his head, rabbit dangling from his jaws, moss green eyes sweeping the plains. It had been a swift, short chase. Sarak was a master at rabbits. They didn?t last long in a chase with the cunning ex assassin on their tails, and he and Valhalla remained well fed. Though he had little appetite. He ate, because one day, Azalea would be back. And she would have his hide if he was a skeleton with fur when she returned.

Turning with a sigh, he padded toward the den of the recently birthed mother, Emer. Erani had briefed him on Emer?s history, so he was respectful of her personal space, dropping the meals he caught for the Mothers of Valhalla just beyond the five foot radius outside her den. He knew she?d birthed her pups, from the change in scents, and the soft, muted squeals and squeaks from inside from time to time. It was a bunch of sounds that triggered an instinctual warmth in him, and usually helped to brighten his day a little. How he had escaped the mindset of his birth pack was anyone?s guess. Erani was possibly a heavy influence, having had pups not long after his capture into Valhalla. Azalea, too, must have influenced him.

Sarak dropped the rabbit as he reached the usual spot and paused, ears pressed forward to catch the sounds from inside. They were met with the faint sounds of suckling, snuffling, the occasional squeak or whine. All was well in the world. Sarak turned, heading back toward the rest of the territory.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think