
Frankly, My Dear...


03-31-2013, 09:46 PM

Worry. It was all he'd done the past few days, and that was before he knew his wife could be dying before his very eyes. She looked so sickly, so frail, so unlike herself. It pained him to see her in this condition, pained him that for at least a day or two she had been dealing with this all on her own - without his knowledge or concern. Gerhardt had just assumed she was taking a break, still peeved at Maverick or one of the other children - or even him. He had never stopped and thought about the possibilities. It could even have been worse than this. His wife could have died, and he didn't even go after her until now! Inwardly the King chastised himself for letting her absence go on for this long. How long had she been forced to try to survive on her own? How long had it been since she'd even eaten? His body was shaking with anger, with ferocity at his own stupidity, his own blatant lack of concern. But she needed him now, he had to be strong for her, had to wait and hope that Loccian came soon. Heck, he'd even settle for Segolia now, anyone would do so long as they could help his wife. She would utter soft words, begging him to hold her. Conflicted. He wasn't sure if he should get closer to her, as the illness could be contagious. What would Seracia do without their two leaders? Could his son step up and handle the pack until they were better - if they got better? Gerhardt wasn't certain what he should do, but he had made too many mistakes already and would not make another. With only a minute's hesitation, the King would settle himself next to his wife, wrapping his warmth around her as best he could, and resting his head on the earth. "Relax, my love. I won't leave you. Help is on the way.." Amethyst eyes would shut as he continued to berate himself in his mind.
