
I Know


04-25-2014, 10:45 AM

She hadn't attended the challenge, when Artemis had challenged the Valhallan alpha for her throne, that didn't mean that she didn't hear the rumors. The two children Azalea had been pregnant with when she left Glaciem now resided here, they had been taken from their home. She hadn't heard any news of Azalea since she had seen her at her own birth- and she felt some sort of need to meet the children she had had. She didn't know who to look for, so in the thick of the pines she would halt and let out a soft call for the children, curious to see if they'd show up. She wanted to meet them, wanted to see if they were okay. The woman stood only at twenty three inches, and it was likely the pups were her height if not larger already, she wasn't concerned with appearing threatening. She wondered if they children had made friends here, were they okay?

She also wondered if their presence in Glaciem would lead to another siege, close to the one that Liberty had caused. She could only pray that it wouldn't. She had seen enough war and destruction for her life-time, and the more she aged, the less she wanted to be around it. Settling to her haunches she waited, her ears pricked- listening for any approach, wondering how long it would take them to heed her call.

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