
hold my hand and walk with me my dear

Talon I


4 Years
04-25-2014, 11:04 AM

If she was really blind, he would guide her -- she would keep him upright. Talon would never wish something like that on her, nor on anyone, but he couldn't help but feel as though they would truly complete one another then. They had not been together for long, and were still growing accustomed to one another's constant company, but he couldn't help but feel as though he might be a burden sometimes. It wasn't something he had admitted to Kangi, nor did he ever want to; he knew that she would deny it. But now, he could help her, and it made him feel happy that he would do something for her in a time of need.

Not that he would ever wish something like this to happen again. As they moved toward and slipped into the bright cavern, the fear that had found its way into his stomach, turning it into painful knots, seemed to slowly ebb away. The enclosed space was comforting, which was strange considering they had just gone through an earthquake.

He found his own paws flexing as they padded along the moss-covered earth. A gentle laugh escaped his lips as Kangi rolled onto her back. Such a terrifying moment had changed into a much more light-hearted one surprisingly quickly. Eager to join her, after tasting of of the mushrooms, he plopped down near her, close to one of the sides of the cavern. His movements were awkward as he shuffled to the ground, lowering himself onto his front limbs before letting his hind leg give out beneath him. The world seemed to begin to swirl and waver before him. The colors of the glowing mushrooms on the wall shifted, changing colors before his eyes, like the glimmering of stars in the night sky. "What kind of place is this?" he asked, his voice brimming with awe and delight as he rolled happily onto his back to press against Kangi's own body. They had both calmed down quickly from the fright of the earthquake earlier, but suddenly he felt inexplicably happy. "Let's stay here forever," he suggested with a childish giggle. "We can live here, right?" Gingerly he leaned over to nudge the side of her neck.