
we shall not overcome

Saga I


3 Years
04-25-2014, 12:54 PM (This post was last modified: 04-25-2014, 12:55 PM by Saga I.)

Truthfully, Saga Destruction had been much less eager to explore the lands of their home than any of her other siblings. It wasn't frequent that she left her mother's side, and it was even less frequent that she ventured away from the den. And finding her alone, in an unfamiliar area of her home, was even more surprising.

The child's gait was heavy with wariness as she crept across the lands. Though slender, her presence was not at all submissive. It wavered somewhere in between; her tail permanently hanging behind her small frame. Though all the world was eerie at this hour, cloaked in darkness, her pelt seemed to glow as the moon's rays came in contact with it. Her ivory pelt was only marred by dull browning markings on the crest of her back, trailing down to her tail; on her forepaws, her ears -- and of course, she bore the common Destruction marking, matching lines beneath each eye.

She was as silent as a feline as she slunk through the open lands, not at all eager to bring attention to herself. There was enough attention on the Destruction family as it was, and it seemed something was always going on -- she didn't need to add to the commotion. Quietly she would come to rest near the falls, reclining to her haunches and observing the flowing water with mild interest.