
I Know


04-25-2014, 12:59 PM

He didn't know that Azalea had been a prisoner here? Was she really the wolf to tell him then? Well she'd already screwed up and mentioned it, she may as well tell him the rest of it. She was relieved that he did speak and didn't simply leave- though she couldn't have blamed him in the slightest. Nodding, she spoke, "I don't remember exactly how it all happened, but your mother traded herself for the release of another prisoner we had... I think he may have been the previous alpha of Valhalla's mate? While she was here, she became pregnant with you. I met her after all of this happened... As for how she escaped. She escaped during the siege, all of Glaciem's fighting force had left to fight. She was able to slip out of the territory, and she returned to Valhalla, which is the last place I saw her." She finished, mentally noting that he perhaps had hopes of escaping- but she doubted there would be a siege any time soon, so that he could try the same escape his mother had. She had no part in Azalea's escaping, and couldn't help the children escape, but she could maybe talk to Sendoa or Isardis about letting them go...

He went on to explain that he was indeed not okay. She sighed, "No one has hurt you have they?" She would ask, her tone worried. "I do suppose its hard to be okay when you're somewhere you don't want to be. I am sorry, about your situation..." She realized she didn't know his name. "What is your name?" She asked, her golden eyes warm. She wondered about the children, what were they like... were they more like Azalea or Isardis or a mixture of the two? Or were the totally different personalities?

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