
we shall not overcome



3 Years
04-25-2014, 01:15 PM

Dutiron on the other hand had been rather interested in getting to learn about the world and therefore had spent plenty of time exploring the lands that belonged to the pack. It probably wouldn't be long before the places beyond their home beckoned him to adventure and learn though for now there always seemed to be something to keep his busy little mind occupied. Quietly he'd go about his searches, trying to work things out and improve his knowledge. Help was of course typically needed, though for now he didn't seek the company of anyone to help him as he wandered the lands, he would let his mind rest as he made his way back to the family den.

In terms of appearance, Saga was perhaps the sibling he resembled the most, both children bearing white coats with markings of brown upon them a balance between both sides of his family, not that the Destruction boy really knew or understood that at all. Their father was still missing and not really known at all to him and his siblings, it was perhaps the one single thing that Dutiron wouldn't question; where Cherokee was.

A new question did form now however. Where was Saga? He had caught her scent now as he moved and was suddenly distracted. If he was right his sister was all on her own, certainly a rather rare occurrence especially given the time and he would move now to seek her out, eventually catching sight of her. "Hello Saga." He would greet calmly, coming to a stop at her side, his yellow eyes also dropping their gaze to the water before them. "What are you doing?"