
Love Somebody



10 Years
04-25-2014, 01:38 PM

The joy that surrounded the reunion was contagious. Even her father seemed more outwardly happy than usual -- he was always rather stoic, but always pleasant in his familiar way. It truly was a joy to see her parents so much more carefree than usual, and she could wish nothing more than to continue with such happiness for as long as possible. If only they could live forever, if she could care for them for the rest of her life -- though she knew their time was limited, and she was determined to keep them as content as possible until their last days.

They began to walk together, soon coming to rest as her mother offered up food to Song and her daughter. Novel would come to settle beside Ara, and she found her smile growing slightly. She herself was happy to stay out of the center of attention. She knew that Song and her parents would have much to catch up on. Though she listened to Song began to tell them of what all had happened. New children, her brother had gotten himself into some kind of trouble -- it all sounded like a lot to Ara. Her own life was rather simple. She was not at all envision of Song's position of power, nor the great burden that came along with it.

Her mother offered some wise words to her, and timidly her gaze would settle to Novel. "How have your studies been going?" she asked quietly, not wanting to speak over her parents or Song. "Has your mentor still been absent?"