
I Know



3 Years
Extra large
04-25-2014, 02:16 PM

Eris would explain how Azalea had come to be a prisoner in the first place, a far more noble tale than his and Soren's kidnapping it seemed though who this wolf was that had led to his mother being a prisoner Kismet had no idea. Had there been another alpha before Chrysanthe had ruled, he certainly couldn't recall her having had a mate. Though of course his great Aunt had taken Gideon as a mate, the man had been missing for quite some time after all and he'd never heard anyone speak him.

Her escape filled him with confidence though. If he could retell the story to Soren perhaps his brother would be willing to try run away as their mother had. She'd made it safely back to Valhalla, though a part of Kismet had to wonder if this was why they were here now; Glaciem claiming back the children that should have been born prisoner's here. Maybe that was why their mother had gone missing as well, perhaps they were after her as well but she had to stay free if she wanted any chance of helping them from the outside. He liked that reason, it had never made any sense to him how she had just gone so suddenly.

"No." He confirmed for Eris. For the most part the pack had left he and Soren alone, with no adult looking after them, they probably felt the two imprisoned pups were completely harmless and against all of Glaciem they certainly were. Kismet was no fool, to try battle his way out of Glaciem would be a death wish.

Her sympathies meant little to him, they certainly didn't solve his problem after all, he was still stuck here at the end of the day. So far from happy here, the boy wouldn't really soften at all, though at her question he would offer his name. "Kismet Adravendi." Proud to be part of the family he belonged to, even at the best of times he wouldn't hesitate to state his full name though here in Glaciem he clung to it harder than ever, it was after all another clear sign that he was the son of Azalea, not Isardis.