
I Know


04-25-2014, 02:42 PM

Her heart ached for the child but she knew not what she could do. Changing Isardis's mind about their imprisonment, would never happen- though she supposed that she could try to appeal to Sendoa... Prisoners were really useless to the pack, and they were heading into the harsh realities of winter, where every wolf here needed to make every effort to help the pack survive. The pups would even fair better in the warmer southern regions. Life in the arctic was harsh. She felt the same sadness for the child as she had once felt for his mother. She wondered how he felt about his mothers escape, and she hoped it didn't inspire him to do something stupid.

Kismet was his name and he said that no one had harmed them. She felt a bit of worry leave her. At least he hadn't been harmed. Some of the wolves were slightly prone to violence, though she didn't think any of them would harm a child, let alone blood of the king. "Kismet Adravendi, it is a pleasure to meet you." She said with a smile, giving him the honor and respect of using his last name. She watched him for a moment, and felt her stomach rumble. "Are you hungry Kismet?" She would ask, and she wondered how the youth had been fairing with feeding themselves. They should be getting prey from some of the adults in the pack but she couldn't be sure. "Can I help you with anything?" She wasn't sure why she felt the need to help the boy, but she couldn't shake the feeling.

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