
Apologies [open]


03-31-2013, 10:00 PM

Asheni waited for the powerful Alpha's answer, she had come here alone, not to disrespect her pack, no, never but to show she was not here for vindictive or cruel purposes. She meant no harm towards Valhalla, not when their packs presented with a strong treaty, or at least she had been told. She wished to erase old demons and be rid of nightmares. She was finally growing up, attempting to take responsibility for her actions. She took his words with a slight wince, they were harsh but they were truthful, at least he did not attempt to kill her.

"I understand Cairo, and truly I regret what I have done to Synestro. The situation was unfortunate, Valhalla was not and never will be my home. I don't belong here, I've always belonged in Glaciem I would have been content here, but never happy. It would have been unfair of me to stay, but the way I choose to leave was cruel. I should have spoken more with him, told him, but I had not the courage. I wished for an atonement but I see that is out of my grasp. I am sorry for the strife I have caused you Cairo, truly. I am not a vindictive or hateful soul, I just to oft do stupid, stupid things. Thank you, for everything." The two toned dame bent her head to the ex leader a show of respect and turned to leave.

-exit Asheni unless stopped-
