


04-25-2014, 02:57 PM

Thump, thump, THUMP. The ice beneath the mocha male's paws groaned with each step, threatening to shatter. The mocha brute's russet orange ears would swiveled forth at the beginnings of each noise, his pillars quickly reacting to lead him to safer ground. Here, he stood upon the wreckage of a human vessel, the S.S Antiox. The summer child did not know of what humans were, as his lands had never seen them, only heard of in tales told by the elder members of the Four Seasons. They healed each wolf, and the child had learned many herbal uses from him. All along the vessel's stern was ice and large heaps of pure white snow, not yet touched by wolf paws. The summer child's honey yellow pools gazed at the tip of the ship's nose. Such a sharp end to it, like a spike of ice. Suddenly, the brute remembered the cold creeping up his spine as he gazed about the wreckage. Shivers crept up his back, stopping at the small of it as his ringed pillars would lead him to a small cave in the ship. He would be warmed by his own frosty breath there. His haunches would reluctantly land upon the metal floor, as he curled up, his plush tail curled about his body. 'How are the Winter wolves able to withstand this bitter cold?' The man would ponder upon this thought for a short while before his honey colored gaze would settle upon the entrance to the strangely cold cave. His chocolate colored neck craned as the child stood up, a peculiar smell tickling his nostrils.

The child would raise his chocolate nose to the wind, his maw opening and closing to taste the wind. In the midst of this action, flakes of snow would begin to fall, all the more accumulating the already existing heaps of snow. The smell triggered a thought. 'Magenta eyes, white pelt, grey markings. I remember her. One of the children of Winter. Easily recognizable by her sweet scent. But, why is she here? I'm the only survivor... or so I thought.'
