
Hunting Adventure



3 Years
Extra large
04-25-2014, 03:03 PM

Ebony lips would crease into a delighted sneer as she again congratulated him, his eyes growing wide in response to the words "its time you be rewarded". His tail would lash out behind him, excitement rushing through his veins as he wondered what his reward was going to be. "say hello to your new friend" Amethyst gaze would peel from his queens to rest upon the ivory woman, his brow furrowing as the words rang out multiple times in his mind. So, this white girl was his... friend? His friend? Salmon hued tongue would slither from between his lips, caressing his nose with a slobbery lick as he approached his newly claimed prize. He certainly hadn't expected his reward to be his very own slave, and he was pleased. His mouth would fall agape as Kylar stepped aside, his tongue rolling from his nose to trail the outline of his mouth. Drool would drip from the corners of his lips as he loomed over her, his massive frame gigantic compared to her meager form. He would aim to stand directly above her, his neck craning downward as he attempted to press his nose directly into the plush fur along her collarbone. He would seek to inhale deeply, wanting her perfume to engulf his lungs so that he could memorize her scent. Without warning his muzzle would scrunch as his lips creased into a snarl, and he would attempt to splay his jaws wide open and grasp a hold around her throat. He would not aim to pierce her flesh deep enough to do lethal damage- he merely wanted to assert his dominance.