
we've not yet lost all our graces



04-26-2014, 01:41 PM

Guinevere had made quite the trek from Valhalla, though it was beginning to be much more frequently these past few months. She wanted to see it all, she wanted to explore every mystical land she could find, the youth wanted to hold memories that she could one day tell her family. She had to push her thoughts aside, the disappearance of her parents and sister had dragged her down for to long; if guin knew anything, Collision would never want her to be like this, He'd want her to actually live. She would enter the area where the floor where dusted with a fresh layer of snow, the temperature much colder around here then Valhalla, though as she got used to it Guin preferred to have it like this.

Her gaze would fix upon a neat, structured layer of rocks, placed together neatly to form a nice, angular wall, if Guin was in the mood to be imaginative, she'd want to figure out how it was made and how it got there. But today? They where just rocks, stacked together. She would sigh before strolling up to it, spotting a rather beautiful stream beyond. She looked at it in awe, before lowering her crown to drink from it. Its cold, fresh water would greedily go down her throat, and just as she got up, she spotted another close by. Her muscles would tense, feeling rather distant. " Oh... um.. im sorry, i thought i was alone... the water, its kinda pretty, ya know?" Once finishing, Guin would look down towards her paws, not being very social.