
The Art of Healing


03-31-2013, 10:37 PM

Asheni exuberance fell as she realized what the woman was getting at, not because she detested the idea of another taking up the mantle of a healer, no, quite the opposite in fact. Asheni loved when a wolf choose the art of healing over the art of war, but the dame was deathly serious about her trade, it was the one thing in life that the healer held most dear. She took her line of work very seriously, regardless of whether or not it was minor scratch or an infection several days old. She healed the wicked, she healed the cruel. She healed the vile, she healed the sick. Good, bad, insane or otherwise Asheni did her very best to save someone's life, it had almost gotten her killed, but for the life of her, she could not leave a soul to die.

She watched carefully, the wolfs reaction to her words. They were, perhaps, a touch harsh, but they needed to be. If the woman wished to be a healer to escape long hours of learning to fight, she was choosing the wrong perfection. Asheni was up from sun up to sun down, going through her stocks of herbs, tossing away what was old and replenishing what she could. If she had patients or wolves that required her attention she oft did not truly sleep for days, short naps and quick sleeps before she was catering to her patients once more. It was hard, grueling work at times but it could be the most rewarding.

Her companion remained silent for a long moment obviously contemplating her words, many did not think of the implications of being a healer until a wolf who could no longer stand was brought to them. How do you help a wolf through having a limb torn off? They needed just as much support emotionally, as they did critical care. Asheni was impressed by the woman's attentiveness, that would come in handy if this was the path she decided to choose. She appreciated the fact that the woman truly thought it over, did not just blurt the first thing her heart wished her to say. She needed to be able to think past her own emotion to be a successful healer, but finally she gave her answer and the serious mask from Asheni's face a wide smile spreading across her maw, her tail gently fluttering back and forth.

"Than I will be delighted to train you."
